Using HCD for I/O Configuration Training in Finland

  • Learn via: Classroom
  • Duration: 3 Days
  • Price: From €2,340+VAT
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The Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) program is the I/O configuration tool for the z/OS environment. This course, designed for experienced z/OS Systems Programmers, will provide detailed and essential information on all aspects of HCD as well as teaching the techniques required to design and implement an efficient z/OS I/O configuration.<br><br>The course includes as number of challenging hands-on practical exercises to reinforce the classroom sessions.<br><br>This course is also available for one-company, on-site presentations and for live presentation over the Internet, via the Virtual Classroom Environment service.

Attendees should have a good understanding of z/OS at a conceptual level and the ability to use TSO/ISPF and JCL.

  • describe the role of HCD with IOCP/MVSCP
  • use HCD panels to define a configuration comprising Processors, Logical Channel Subsystems, LPARs and MIF, Channels (ESCON, FICON, OSA, CF links, Hipersockets and Routers), Control Units and I/O devices
  • describe the constraints and issues in building an I/O configuration
  • understand the concept of Logical Control units and Parallel Access Volumes
  • define FICON directors
  • define the OS Configuration
  • define Eligible Device Tables (esoterics, tokens and generics)
  • define NIP consoles
  • create validated work IODFs
  • use the CHPID Mapping tool to include PCHIDs in the configuration
  • create production IODFs
  • plan for Dynamic I/O reconfigurations
  • use HCD functions to maintain the IODFs
  • migrate an IOCP.


I/O configuration principles; I/O configuration practicalities; I/O configuration addressing; HCD definition process; Objects managed by HCD; LOAD member of PARMLIB; IODF processing at IPL; IPL & NIP LOAD messages.

HCD Dialogs

HCD and ISPF; ISPF selection menu; HCD Primary Option menu; Creating a new work IODF; Sizing the work IODF; Defining the new configuration menu; Pull-down menu action bar; GOTO pull-down menu; Filter pull-down menu; Backup pull-down menu; Query pull-down menu; Help pull-down menu; Context menus; PF keys; Keyboard navigation.

Creating a New Configuration

Getting started; Configuration structure; Sample configuration; Operating system definition; Operating system configuration list; Add an operating system; Add a Processor; Processors & LCSSs; Logical Channel Subsystems; Multiple Logical Channel Subsystems; Define Processor support level; Updated processor list; LPAR definition Flow; Actions on selected processors (LPARs); Channel Subsystem List; Partition List; Add Partition; Updated Partition List; Channel Path definition; Actions on selected Channel Subsystems (CHPIDs); Channel Path Lists; Connect CHPID to LPAR; Control Unit definition; Control Units; Connect CU to Processor; Actions on selected processors; Logical Control Units; Device definition; I/O Devices; Define Processor Device Parameter; Define OS Device parameters; Parallel Access Volumes (PAVs); HiperPav; Define Eligible Device Tables; Esoteric definition; Action on EDTs; Esoteric List; Assign Devices to Esoteric; NIP console definition; Actions on Operating System consoles; NIP Console List; Creating a Validated Work IODF; IODF Activation Menu; IODF build messages: errors, error actions, error explanation; Validated Work IODF name.

Defining FICON Directors (Switches)

The FICON Director; Switch configurations; Switch definition; Sample configurations; Switch List (no switches defined); Basic Fibre Channel Topology; Switch List (switches defined); Actions on Switches; Actions on Processors; Add a Switch Channel Path; Connect CHPID to LPAR; Switch Control Unit definition; Define Control Units; Define I/O Devices; Actions on Devices; Connect Switch Device to Operating System; Cascaded FICON Switches.

Dynamic I/O Configuration

Dynamic reconfiguration in operation; Dynamic reconfiguration prerequisites; Device characteristics; Device modification categories; IODF processing at IPL; Software only changes; Virtual Storage considerations; Preparing for Dynamic Reconfiguration; Activation Menu; View Active configuration; Activation Scope messages; Activation Main Menu; Test active new configuration; Test Active Message List; Performing Dynamic Reconfiguration; Activate New Configuration; Dynamic Activation Message List; Dynamic Activation in a Sysplex; Active Sysplex Member List; Actions on Selected Systems; Activate System Wide; Don't forget the applications.

Coupling Facility

Coupling Facility; Create a CF LPAR; Coupling Facility links; Create CF Links; Connect LPARs together; InfiniBand links.

OSAs, Hipersockets & Channel Attached Routes

OSAs, Hipersockets and Channel Attached Routes; OSA Diagnostic device; QDIO and non-QDIO; OSA Express CHPID definitions; Adding an OSA Control Unit and Device; Adding OSAD Device; Hipersockets; Hipersockets definition; CHPID Type IQD; MTU Sizes; Channel Attached Routers and Servers; OSC consoles and OSN networks.

CHPID Mapping Tool Workflow

CHPID Mapping Tool Workflow; Build IOCP input data set; IOCP input data set; Update the priority values; IOCP with PCHIDs; Migrate the configuration data.

Utilities & Batch Processing

Print or Compare Configuration Data; Print Configuration Reports option; Report Type Selection; Report filtering; Print the activity log option; View the activity log option; Compare IODFs option; Compare IODFs report selection; Filtering Processor Compare Reports; Filtering Switch Compare Reports; Filtering OS Compare Reports; Selecting Compare Report Options; Compare CSS/OS Views option; Comparing hardware and software views; Maintaining IODFs; Delete IODF option; Copy IODF option; Copy IODF selection; View IODF option; View IODF output; Build IOCDS option; Build IOCDS - file selection; Build IOCDS - create file; HCD as a batch job; Printing reports in batch; Comparing IODFs in batch; Software & Hardware Compare in Batch; Copying an IODF in batch. Building an IOCDS in batch.

Online Exercises

There are extensive practical exercises throughout this course.

Contact us for more detail about our trainings and for all other enquiries!

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Classroom / Virtual Classroom
11 elokuuta 2024
Helsinki, Espoo
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
12 elokuuta 2024
Helsinki, Espoo
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
20 elokuuta 2024
Helsinki, Espoo
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
20 syyskuuta 2024
Helsinki, Espoo
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
21 syyskuuta 2024
Helsinki, Espoo
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
21 syyskuuta 2024
Helsinki, Espoo
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
02 lokakuuta 2024
Helsinki, Espoo
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
03 lokakuuta 2024
Helsinki, Espoo
3 Days
Using HCD for I/O Configuration Training Course in Finland

Finland is a country located in northern Europe. Helsinki is the capital and largest city of the country. The majority of the people are Finns but there is also a small Lapp population in Lapland, where the country is famous for the Northern Lights. Finland's national languages are Finnish and Swedish.

Known for its vast forests, lakes, and natural beauty, Finland is one of the world's largest producers of forest products, such as paper, pulp, and lumber. One of the world's largest sea fortresses Suomenlinna, Rovaniemi with the "White Nights", dogsled safaris and of course the Northern Lights are what makes Finland so popular for tourists. Finland is one of the best places in the world to see the Northern Lights and attracts millions of tourists during its seasons.

Finland is home to a thriving technology industry and is widely recognized as one of the world's leading technology hubs. Companies such as Nokia and Rovio (creator of the popular game Angry Birds) are based in Finland. Some of the key factors that have contributed to Finland's success in technology include; strong investment in research and development, a highly educated workforce and fundings.

Finland has a strong educational system, and is widely regarded as one of the world's most literate countries. In fact, Finland's literacy rate is one of the highest in the world, and its students consistently perform well in international tests of math and reading ability.

Also, as a pioneer in environmental sustainability, Finland is known for its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote clean energy. This Nordic country is also famous for its unique and distinctive cultural heritage, including its traditional folk music and its elaborate traditional costumes.

Helsinki, Finland's capital city, is the country's business center. Helsinki is Finland's largest city, and it is home to many of the country's major corporations and organizations, including many of the country's leading technology firms. The city is also a commercial, trade, and financial center, as well as one of the busiest ports in the Nordic region.

Take advantage of our diverse IT course offerings, spanning programming, software development, business skills, data science, cybersecurity, cloud computing and virtualization. Our knowledgeable instructors will provide you with practical training and industry insights, delivered directly to your chosen venue in Finland.
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