VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.5] Training in Finland

  • Learn via: Classroom
  • Duration: 5 Days
  • Price: Please contact for booking options
We can host this training at your preferred location. Contact us!

VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere® 6, which includes VMware ESXi™ 6 and VMware vCenter Server™ 6. This course prepares you to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size and forms the foundation for most other VMware technologies in the software-defined data center.

System administration experience on Microsoft Windows or Linux operating systems

  • System administrators
  • Systems engineers

  • Describe the software-defined data center
  • Deploy an ESXi host and create virtual machines
  • Describe vCenter Server architecture
  • Deploy a vCenter Server instance or VMware vCenter Server™ Appliance™ 
  • Use vCenter Server to manage an ESXi host 
  • Configure and manage vSphere infrastructure with VMware vSphere® Client™ and VMware vSphere® Web Client
  • Configure virtual networks with vSphere standard switches 
  • Use vCenter Server to manage various types of host storage: VMware vSphere® VMFS, NFS, virtual SAN, and Virtual Volumes  
  • Manage virtual machines, templates, clones, and snapshots
  • Create a vApp
  • Describe and use the content library
  • Migrate virtual machines with VMware vSphere® vMotion®
  • Use VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion® to migrate virtual machine storage 
  • Monitor resource usage and manage resource pools
  • Use VMware vRealize™ Operations Manager™ to identify and solve issues through analytics and alerts  
  • Manage VMware vSphere® High Availability and VMware vSphere® Fault Tolerance 
  • Use VMware vSphere® Replication™ and VMware vSphere® Data Protection™ to replicate virtual machines and perform data recovery
  • Use VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™ clusters to improve host scalability
  • Use vSphere distributed switches to improve network scalability
  • Use VMware vSphere® Update Manager™ to apply patches and perform basic troubleshooting of ESXi hosts, virtual machines, and vCenter Server operations

Ders Tanıtımı

  • Tanıtımlar ve ders lojistikleri
  • Ders hedefleri
  • Referanslar ve kaynaklar

Yazılım-Tanımlı Veri Merkezi

  • Yazılım-tanımlı veri merkezinin bileşenlerini tanıtma
  • vSphere’in bulut mimarisinin neresinde olduğunu açıklama
  • vSphere Client kurma ve kullanma
  • ESXi Genel Değerlendirme

Sanal Makineler Yaratma

  • Sanal makineler, sanal makine donanımları ve sanal makine dosyalarının tanıtımı
  • Sanal makineler ve şablonlar yaratma ve bunlarla çalışma

vCenter Server

  • vCenter Server mimarisinin tanıtımı
  • vCenter Server Appliance deploy etme ve yapılandırma
  • Use vSphere Web Client kullanma
  • vCenter Server döküm nesneleri ve lisanslarını yönetme

Sanal Ağları Yapılandırma ve Yönetme

  • Standart switch’leri açıklama, yaratma ve yönetme
  • Sanal switch güvenliğini ve yük-dengeleyici politikaları/ilkeleri yapılandırma
  • vSphere dağıtılmış switchlerini, ağ bağlantılarını ve port gruplarını yaratma, yapılandırma ve yönetme

Sanal Depolama Yapılandırma ve Yönetme

  • Depolama protokolleri ve depolama aygıt tiplerinin tanıtımı
  • iSCSI ve NFS depolama kullanarak ESXi hostlarını tartışma
  • VMFS ve NFS veri depoları yaratma ve yönetme
  • VMware Virtual SAN™ Tanıtımı
  • Virtual Volumes Tanıtımı

Sanal Makine Yönetimi

  • Yeni sanal makineler deploy etmek için şablonlar ve klonlama kullanma
  • Sanal makinelerde değişiklik yapma ve yönetme
  • vSphere vMotion ve vSphere Storage vMotion taşımalarını gerçekleştirme
  • Sanal makine anlık görüntüleri yaratma ve yönetme
  • vApps yaratma
  • İçerik kütüphanesi tiplerinin tanıtımı ve bunların nasıl deploy edilip kullanılacağı

Kaynak Yönetimi ve İzleme

  • Sanal CPU ve bellek kavramlarını tanıtma
  • Kaynak havuzlarını yapılandırma ve yönetme
  • CPU ve bellek kullanımını optimize etme yöntemlerini açıklama
  • Kaynak kullanımını izlemek için çeşitli araçları kullanma
  • Belirli durum ve olayları rapor etmek için alarmlar yaratma ve kullanma
  • Sanal makine kaynak sorunlarını belirleme ve giderme
  • Veri merkezi izleme ve yönetimi için vRealize Operations Manager’ın tanıtımı

vSphere HA ve vSphere Fault Tolerance

  • vSphere HA mimarisini açıklama
  • Bir vSphere HA cluster yapılandırma ve yönetme
  • vSphere HA gelişmiş parametlerini kullanma
  • vSphere Fault Tolerance Tanıtımı
  • Sanal makinelerde vSphere Fault Tolerance etkinleştirme
  • vSphere Replication tanıtma
  • Veri yedeklemek ve geri almak için vSphere Data Protection kullanma

Host Ölçeklenebilirliği

  • Bir vSphere DRS clusterının işlev ve faydalarını açıklama
  • Bir vSphere DRS cluster’ını yapılandırma ve yönetme
  • Affinity ve anti-affinity (benzerlik kuralı anti-benzerlik kuralı?) kurallarıyla çalışma
  • İş devamlılığı için vSphere HA ve vSphere DRS’yi birlikte kullanma

vSphere Update Manager ve Host Maintenance ESXi patching’i yönetmek için vSphere Update Manager kullanma

  • vSphere Update Manager ve vSphere Update Manager eklentisini kurma
  • Patch baseline’lar yaratma
  • Host yapılandırma uyumunu yönetmek için host profillerini kullanma
  • Host’ları tarama ve iyileştirme

vSphere Components kurma

  • Install ESXi kurma
  • vCenter Server deployment seçeneklerini tanıtma
  • vCenter Server yazılım, donanım ve veritabanı gereksinimlerini açıklama
  • vCenter Server Appliance kurulumunu ve bir vCenter Server örneğini tartışma
  • vCenter Server kurulumunu gösterme

Contact us for more detail about our trainings and for all other enquiries!

Upcoming Trainings

Join our public courses in our Finland facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.

06 helmikuuta 2025 (5 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
15 helmikuuta 2025 (5 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
09 maaliskuuta 2025 (5 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
10 maaliskuuta 2025 (5 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
25 maaliskuuta 2025 (5 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
27 maaliskuuta 2025 (5 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
12 huhtikuuta 2025 (5 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
15 huhtikuuta 2025 (5 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.5] Training Course in Finland

Finland is a country located in northern Europe. Helsinki is the capital and largest city of the country. The majority of the people are Finns but there is also a small Lapp population in Lapland, where the country is famous for the Northern Lights. Finland's national languages are Finnish and Swedish.

Known for its vast forests, lakes, and natural beauty, Finland is one of the world's largest producers of forest products, such as paper, pulp, and lumber. One of the world's largest sea fortresses Suomenlinna, Rovaniemi with the "White Nights", dogsled safaris and of course the Northern Lights are what makes Finland so popular for tourists. Finland is one of the best places in the world to see the Northern Lights and attracts millions of tourists during its seasons.

Finland is home to a thriving technology industry and is widely recognized as one of the world's leading technology hubs. Companies such as Nokia and Rovio (creator of the popular game Angry Birds) are based in Finland. Some of the key factors that have contributed to Finland's success in technology include; strong investment in research and development, a highly educated workforce and fundings.

Finland has a strong educational system, and is widely regarded as one of the world's most literate countries. In fact, Finland's literacy rate is one of the highest in the world, and its students consistently perform well in international tests of math and reading ability.

Also, as a pioneer in environmental sustainability, Finland is known for its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote clean energy. This Nordic country is also famous for its unique and distinctive cultural heritage, including its traditional folk music and its elaborate traditional costumes.

Helsinki, Finland's capital city, is the country's business center. Helsinki is Finland's largest city, and it is home to many of the country's major corporations and organizations, including many of the country's leading technology firms. The city is also a commercial, trade, and financial center, as well as one of the busiest ports in the Nordic region.

Take advantage of our diverse IT course offerings, spanning programming, software development, business skills, data science, cybersecurity, cloud computing and virtualization. Our knowledgeable instructors will provide you with practical training and industry insights, delivered directly to your chosen venue in Finland.
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