z/OS UNIX System Services Part 2 - Configuration & Implementation Training in Finland

  • Learn via: Classroom
  • Duration: 3 Days
  • Price: From €2,340+VAT
This course follows on from the course 'UNIX System Services Part 1 - Concepts & Facilities'. It teaches the skills needed to install, configure and implement UNIX System Services in a z/OS environment. The course goes on to describe and explain how to manage the new environment efficiently and effectively, with a specific focus on security.<br><br>This course is also available for one-company, on-site presentations and for live presentation over the Internet, via the Virtual Classroom Environment service.
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Attendees should have attended the course z/OS UNIX System Services Concepts & Facilities Part 1- Concepts & Facilities', or have equivalent experience.
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What You Will Learn

  • plan the installation and implementation of USS
  • implement USS
  • customise USS
  • maintain the HFS environment
  • describe the constraints on USS
  • apply RACF security to the environment
  • manage a USS environment.
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USS Features & Services

UNIX internals overview; The Kernel: LOADxx and the IPL process: Load Unit Address,The LOAD parameter - ddddxxsn,The LOADxx member; The UNIX support in z/OS; Displaying OMVS processes; The UNIX support in z/OS; USS z/OS packaging; z/OS and USS comparative functions; Terminal and workstation support; Special TSO/E commands; Controlling z/OS UNIX - BPXPRMxx parmlib member; Displaying OMVS information; Displaying OMVS information; ulimit - a (shell command); New ISPF panels; The Shell; USS functions; Processes and fork(); fork() and shared storage; spawn() function; Inter-Process Communications functions; Memory mapped files; Threads; Daemon processes; The UNIX file system; The system files - /etc, /dev, /bin and others; Display File systems; Practical exercise.

USS Installation

Steps to install USS; Modes of running USS; WLM support for fork() and spawn(); Prepare for security; RACF profile extensions; Create the root file system; Initialisation shell scripts; Inittab; etc/rc; etc/profile; $HOME/.profile; Customize parmlib members; Controlling USS - BPXPRMxx parmlib member; BPXPRMxx: maximum sizes, miscellaneous, file systems, network; RESOLVER PROC; Dynamically changing the BPXPRMxx options; BPXPRMxx - Individual overrides; FILESYSTYPE buffer parameters; USS work; Why USS uses WLM; UNIX Services fork and spawn function calls; USS Service Classes; USS classification rules; Definitions for OMVS subsystem type work; Cataloged procedures used by USS; Customize cataloged procedures; Performance enhancements using the VLF; Completing the preparation for USS; File Security Packet (FSP); Start USS; Running OMVS workload in batch; New JCL keywords; Syntax of new JCL keywords; Initial file system; HFS sharing; Extended file system; Version HFS - an example; System HFS - an example; Applying maintenance to HFS products - requirements; Applying maintenance to HFS products - steps; Applying maintenance to HFS products - Verification/Activation; Practical exercise.

USS File Systems

Using files from UNIX programs; Managing UNIX files in z/OS; The Hierarchical File System; UNIX files and file systems: The Physical File System (PFS), The Logical File System (LFS); Device drivers; Directory structure; The root file system; The root file system z/OS; Shared file system; Mount points; Mounting file systems; Automount facility; Automount setup; Initial file system structure; Path and file names; Lengths of path and file names; Specifying UNIX files in z/OS; File attributes; Accessing HFS files; File administration with TSO/ISPF; Special TSO/E commands; Copying UNIX files with TSO/E; OPUT, OGET, OCOPY and BPXCOPY examples; Character sets and code conversion; EBCDIC code pages; Code translation; Code conversion when copying; Managing HFSs - confighfs; Space management of zFS; Backup/Restore; Copying POSIX files with TSO/E; Backup/Restore using UNIX Utilities; Backup/Restore using TSM.

zFS File System

What is z/OS DFS zFS?; What are zFS file system aggregates?; Distributed File Service required for zFS; Sample Parameter File- IOE.SIOESAMP(IOEFSPRM); zfsadm shell command; zFS utility programs; Defining zFS - action summary; zFS Colony Address space; Allocating zFS aggregates; zfsadm format command; zfsadm format in batch; Growing aggregates; Mounting a zFS file system; Cloning; Migrating from HFS to zFS; BXHWH2Z; Practical exercise.

zFS Performance

zFS cache & performance; IOEPRMxx performance parameters; zFS performance data via an API; zFS performance data - zfsadm query; zFS cache - user & metadata; zFS cache - metadata; zFS cache - transaction & log; zFS cache - vnode 5-16; Directory backing cache; zFS I/O by aggregate; SMF records for USS; RMF reporting for USS; zFS Activity Report; zFS Summary Report; RMF Monitor lll reporting for USS.

USS RACF Security

USS Security with RACF; z/OS UNIX process; RACF profile extensions; OMVS segments; System resource limits; UNIX identity; Kernel security; User definition - superuser; Define regular uids & gids; Switch to superuser mode; UNIXPRIV class; UNIXPRIV class; UNIXPRIV privileges; Controlling usage of shared IDs; SHARED keyword for AU, ALU, AG, ALG; SEARCH enhancement to map UID & GID; Automatic UID/GID assignment; set-uid & set-gid files; Program controlled executables; Enhanced Program Security; Controlling daemons; Defining OMVSKERN as a daemon; Enhanced Program Security & BPX.MAINCHECK; Controlling servers; UNIX level vs z/OS UNIX level security; TTY Group; Started task requirements; Define miscellaneous BPX.* facility profiles; Program attributes - APF & program controlled; File security packet extattr bits; Authorisation required to set extattr bits; What are sanction lists?; Setting up sanction lists; Set up users' field level access to OMVS segments; UNIX file security; File access control with Permission Bits; Making the RESTRICTED attribute applicable to UNIX files; The chown command - change file owner; The chmod command - change file mode (permissions); Default file permissions and the umask command; Access Control Lists (ACLs); File access control with Permission Bits and ACLs; ACL inheritance; Authority to create ACLs; getfacl and setfacl commands; getfacl; getfacl - dispay all ACLs for a directory; setfacl - change permission bits; setfacl - change ACL entries; Using the UNIX 'find' command; Overriding UNIXPRIV authority with ACL entries; Authorisation checking - summary; Auditing users & processes; Auditing USS.

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Avaible Training Dates

Join our public courses in our Finland facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.

15 maaliskuuta 2025 (3 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€2,340 +VAT
14 huhtikuuta 2025 (3 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€2,340 +VAT
18 huhtikuuta 2025 (3 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€2,340 +VAT
18 kesäkuuta 2025 (3 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€2,340 +VAT
27 kesäkuuta 2025 (3 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€2,340 +VAT
03 heinäkuuta 2025 (3 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€2,340 +VAT
09 heinäkuuta 2025 (3 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€2,340 +VAT
19 heinäkuuta 2025 (3 Days)
Helsinki, Espoo
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€2,340 +VAT
z/OS UNIX System Services Part 2 - Configuration & Implementation Training Course in Finland

Finland is a country located in northern Europe. Helsinki is the capital and largest city of the country. The majority of the people are Finns but there is also a small Lapp population in Lapland, where the country is famous for the Northern Lights. Finland's national languages are Finnish and Swedish.

Known for its vast forests, lakes, and natural beauty, Finland is one of the world's largest producers of forest products, such as paper, pulp, and lumber. One of the world's largest sea fortresses Suomenlinna, Rovaniemi with the "White Nights", dogsled safaris and of course the Northern Lights are what makes Finland so popular for tourists. Finland is one of the best places in the world to see the Northern Lights and attracts millions of tourists during its seasons.

Finland is home to a thriving technology industry and is widely recognized as one of the world's leading technology hubs. Companies such as Nokia and Rovio (creator of the popular game Angry Birds) are based in Finland. Some of the key factors that have contributed to Finland's success in technology include; strong investment in research and development, a highly educated workforce and fundings.

Finland has a strong educational system, and is widely regarded as one of the world's most literate countries. In fact, Finland's literacy rate is one of the highest in the world, and its students consistently perform well in international tests of math and reading ability.

Also, as a pioneer in environmental sustainability, Finland is known for its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote clean energy. This Nordic country is also famous for its unique and distinctive cultural heritage, including its traditional folk music and its elaborate traditional costumes.

Helsinki, Finland's capital city, is the country's business center. Helsinki is Finland's largest city, and it is home to many of the country's major corporations and organizations, including many of the country's leading technology firms. The city is also a commercial, trade, and financial center, as well as one of the busiest ports in the Nordic region.

Take advantage of our diverse IT course offerings, spanning programming, software development, business skills, data science, cybersecurity, cloud computing and virtualization. Our knowledgeable instructors will provide you with practical training and industry insights, delivered directly to your chosen venue in Finland.
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