Cassandra for Developers Training in Sweden

  • Learn via: Classroom / Virtual Classroom / Online
  • Duration: 3 Days
  • Price: Please contact for booking options
We can host this training at your preferred location. Contact us!

This course will introduce Cassandra – a popular NoSQL database.  It will cover Cassandra principles, architecture and data model.

Comfortable with Java programming language and comfortable in Linux environment (navigating command line, editing files with vi / nano).

  • Developers / Data architects

  • Cassandra architecture & internals
  • CQL (Cassandra Query Language)
  • Data modeling in CQL
  • Using APIs to interact with Cassandra

Cassandra Overview

  • Why We Need Cassandra
  • High Level Cassandra Overview
  • Cassandra Features
  • Basic Cassandra Installation and Configuration   

Cassandra Architecture and CQL Overview  

  • Cassandra Architecture Overview
  • Cassandra Clusters and Rings
  • Data Replication in Cassandra
  • Cassandra Consistency / Eventual Consistency
  • Introduction to CQL
  • Defining Tables with a Single Primary Key
  • Using cqlsh for Interactive Querying
  • Selecting and Inserting/Upserting Data with CQL
  • Data Replication and Distribution
  • Basic Data Types (including uuid, timeuuid)

Data Modeling and CQL Core Concepts

  • Defining a Compound Primary Key
  • CQL for Compound Primary Keys
  • Partition Keys and Data Distribution
  • Clustering Columns
  • Overview of Internal Data Organization
  • Additional Querying Capabilities
  • Result Ordering - ORDER BY and CLUSTERING ORDER BY
  • UPDATE and DELETE Queries
  • Result Filtering, ALLOW FILTERING
  • Batch Queries
  • Data Modeling Guidelines
  • Denormalization
  • Data Modeling Workflow
  • Data Modeling Principles
  • Primary Key Considerations
  • Composite Partition Keys
  • Defining with CQL
  • Data Distribution with Composite Partition Key
  • Overview of Internal Data Organization

Additional CQL Capabilities 

  • Indexing
  • Primary/Partition Keys and Pagination with token()
  • Secondary Indexes and Usage Guidelines
  • Cassandra Counters
  • Counter Structure and Definition
  • Using Counters
  • Counter Limitations
  • Cassandra collections
  • Collection Structure and Uses
  • Defining Collections (set, list, and map)
  • Querying Collections (Including Insert, Update, Delete)
  • Limitations
  • Overview of Internal Storage Organization
  • Static Column: Overview and Usage
  • Static Column Guidelines
  • Materialized View: Overview and Usage
  • Materialized View Guidelines

Data Consistency In Cassandra 

  • Overview of Consistency in Cassandra
  • CAP Theorem
  • Eventual (Tunable) Consistency in C* - ONE, QUORUM, ALL
  • Choosing CL ONE
  • Choosing CL QUORUM
  • Achieving Immediate Consistency
  • Using other Consistency Levels
  • Internal Repair Mechanisms (Read Repair, Hinted Handoff)
  • Lightweight Transactions (LWT)/ Compare and Set (CAS)
  • Overview of Lightweight Transactions
  • Using LWT, the [applied] Column
  • IF EXISTS, IF NOT EXISTS, Other IF conditions
  • Basic CAS Internals
  • Overhead and Guidelines

Practical Considerations 

  • Dealing with Write Failure
  • Unavailable Nodes and Node Failure
  • Requirements for Write Operations
  • Key and Row Caches
  • Cache Overview
  • Usage Guidelines
  • Multi-Data Center Support
  • Overview
  • Replication Factor Configuration
  • Additional Consistency Levels - LOCAL/EACH QUORUM
  • Deletes
  • CQL for Deletion
  • Tombstones
  • Usage Guidelines

The Java Client API 

  • API Overview
  • Introduction
  • Architecture and Features
  • Connecting to a Cluster
  • Cluster and Cluster.Builder
  • Contact Points, Connecting to a Cluster
  • Session Overview and API
  • Working with Sessions
  • The Query API
  • Overview
  • Dynamic Queries, Statement, SimpleStatement
  • Processing Query Results, ResultSet, Row
  • PreparedStatement, BoundStatement
  • Binding Values and Querying with PreparedStatements
  • CQL to Java Type Mapping
  • Working with UUIDs
  • Working with Time/Date Values
  • Working with Batches of SimpleStatement and PreparedStatement
  • Dynamic Queries and QueryBuilder
  • QueryBuilder Overview and API
  • Building SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE Queries
  • Creating WHERE Clauses
  • Other Query Examples
  • Configuring Query Behavior
  • Setting LIMIT and TTL
  • Working with Consistency
  • Using LWT
  • Working with Driver Policies
  • Load Balancing Policies - RoundRobinPolicy, DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy
  • Retry Policies - DefaultRetryPolicy, DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy, Other Policies
  • Reconnection Policies
  • Asynchronous Querying Overview
  • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Querying
  • Executing Asynchronous Queries
  • java.util.concurrent.Future
  • Cassandra ResultSetFuture
  • Future Result Processing

Contact us for more detail about our trainings and for all other enquiries!

Upcoming Trainings

Join our public courses in our Sweden facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.

Classroom / Virtual Classroom
19 suoidnemánnu 2024
Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
20 suoidnemánnu 2024
Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
24 suoidnemánnu 2024
Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
05 borgemánnu 2024
Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
14 borgemánnu 2024
Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
20 borgemánnu 2024
Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
12 čakčamánnu 2024
Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg
3 Days
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
14 čakčamánnu 2024
Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg
3 Days
Cassandra for Developers Training Course in Sweden

Sweden is a Nordic country that borders Norway, Finland and Denmark. The name "Sweden" originated from the "Svear", a people mentioned by the Roman author Tacitus. While being the largest Nordic country, Sweden is the fifth-largest country in Europe. Sweden has a total population of 10.4 million. The capital and largest city is Stockholm. About 15 percent of the country lies within the Arctic Circle, so that's why from May until mid-July, sunlight lasts all day in the north of the Arctic Circle. On the other hand, during December, the capital citt experiences only about 5.5 hours of daylight.

When in Sweden, visiting Stockholm's Old Town Gamla Stan, Sweden's most popular museum Vasa Museum and a UNESCO World Heritage Site; Drottningholm Palace is highly recommended.

Empower yourself with our extensive selection of IT courses, covering programming, data analytics, software development, business skills, cloud computing, cybersecurity, project management. Experience personalized training and expert guidance from our instructors, who will come to your chosen training venue anywhere in Sweden.
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