Online Academy

Hacker's Perspective on Remote Work

Watch our "Hacker's Perspective on Remote Work" webinar, where current issues such as working from home and data security are handled by Paula Januszkiewicz, CEO of our international training partner CQURE!

An Overview of Machine Learning Pipelines Webinar

Learn how to build an end-to-end Machine Learning pipeline with Scikit-learn from Academic Fellow in Computer Science at Bocconi University, popular Data Scientist Andrea Giussani.

Mastering Machine Learning Ep.1 - Imputing Missing Values With Scikit-learn

Watch the first episode of the Mastering Machine Learning webinar series to learn more about imputing missing values!

Mastering Machine Learning – Ep.2: Build and Run a Machine Learning Pipeline

Watch the second episode of our Machine Learning webinar series, "Mastering Machine Learning – Ep.2: Build and Run a Machine Learning Pipeline" and learn everything you need to know about machine learning pipelines!

Mastering Machine Learning–Ep3: Be a Data Science Master&Commander with XGBoost

Discover the results of an xbooster classifier with Shap values ​​in the third part of our Mastering Machine Learning free webinar series!

Mastering Machine Learning – Ep.4: Build a Sentiment Analysis Pipeline

In this episode of the Mastering Machine Learning webinar series, learn how to predict the sentiment on customer reviews.

Mastering Machine Learning – Ep.5: NLP Using Amazon Sagemaker

In the fifth and the last episode of our certified Mastering Machine Learning free webinar series, you will learn how to build & train a natural language processing application with Amazon SageMaker!
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