The coronavirus pandemic that we are struggling since March caused many changes in our lives. We are not able to go out, we are now working online from our homes. We don’t know how long this process will take, but we are gradually adapting to the “new normal”. One of the major changes is happening in the training sector. While there is a rapid transition to the online training method, companies have started to re-organize their systems in accordance with this new normal. Project Management Institue - PMI's recent announcement is an example for this situation.

PMI has announced that Project Management Professional - PMP exams will be held also on online platforms. So you no longer have to go to the exam center to get your PMP certificate, you can take the PMP exam from the comfort of your home! So what does it take to take the online PMP exam? A computer with a camera and a solid internet connection and an environment where you won't be distracted is enough. You can take the online PMP exam, which you with online proctoring, under the conditions of not leaving your position and not speaking during the exam.

Another point, which was announced is a 10 minute break! As you know, Project Management Professional - PMP exam is a long exam that takes 4 hours. And let's face it - a 4-hour exam can be exhausting for most of us. With 10-minute breaks, the test is divided into two parts, the break is perfect for us to gather our weakened attention! And if you are one of those who say “I don’t need a break,” “I concentrate better without a break”, you can continue the exam without taking a break. But if you are going to take a break, you have to know that; you cannot return to the first part of your exam at the end of the break. In other words, you cannot review the your answers in the first part, after the break.

The first step in getting your Project Management Professional - PMP certificate from the comfort of your home is to attend a PMP training. Join our virtual PMP training in our online classrooms, evaluate your time at home to get certified!

Contact us to get further information about our virtual trainings and to enroll:
+90 212 282 77 00

Do you know what changes to expect in the new PMP exam? As Project Management Institute (PMI) that the Project Management Professional PMP exam will change on January 02, 2021, you can learn what awaits you in the new, updated PMP exam by reading our Important PMP Exam Update Changes blog post!


Contact us for more detail about our trainings and for all other enquiries!

In order to take the Project Management Professional PMP certification exam, required project management PMP training must be taken. For university graduate candidates, at least 4500 hours of project management experience in last 3 years and participation in project management training are sought. And for high school graduate candidates, at least 7500 hours of project management experience in last 5 years and participation in project management training are required.
No. For university graduate candidates, you have to have at least 4500 hours of project management experience in last 3 years. And for high school graduate candidates, you have to have at least 7500 hours of project management experience in last 5 years.
3 years. However, it is possible to extend the validation of your Project Management PMP certificate in two ways. The first is to take the exam every 3 years, and the second way is to accumulate 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) within 3 years and report this to the Project Management Institute (PMI).
There is two possible ways to renew your PMP certification after 3 years. The first way is to take the exam every 3 years, while the second way to renew your certification is to accumulate 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) within 3 years and report this to the Project Management Institute (PMI).
Three times in a year. If you fail the exam in your first try, The Project Management Institute gives you the right to take the exam unlimitedly by reapplying each year, provided that it is a maximum of 3 times in the same year. If you fail to pass the PMP exam 3 times in the same year, your right to reapply for the exam arises one year after the last project management exam you took.

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